Something about us
Welcome to D Y Patil Dental School
It's a tough task for students to select a good profession after 12th Science. To propel in this competitive world we have to choose proper career and an excellent institution.
Dentistry is a profession where you will constantly learn, come across new challenges which will allow you to help society. It is a rewarding profession where we get to help others, and regularly change people's lives for the better. Dentistry offers stimulating career options. In addition to private practice, excellent opportunities exist in teaching and research, careers with government agencies or in industry.
Here we D Y Patil Dental School (DYPDS) welcome you to our dynamic group. The University will inspire you to bring your distinctness to your chosen field of study, will guide you to open your mind, help you find the essential you, your voice as an innovator. A curriculum that stimulates interest and develops knowledge, skills and deep understanding. Our commitment to personal attention distinguishes DYPDS from other institutions. A supportive staff where everyone has one single aim, that is to advance student development and success. DYPDS is one of the few institutions in the country focusing on research and leading the convergence of humanities, ethics and inventions. Our distinctive programs prepare you for a successful, rewarding career. We don't offer run-of-the-mill programs offered by several others. We offer programs specially designed and based on the real needs and challenges faced by the science and society. We wish you for the wonderful journey ahead......

Studying @ DYPDS
The course of study in dentistry trains students to become qualified dentists. The majority of graduates start work as dentists in solo or group practices, or in the employ or a company or organization. In addition, after graduating, there is the option of working in one of the programmes, either in teaching or research.
Special program
Students who have completed the bachelor's programme have the option of specializing in ADVANCED dentistry. In this connection, DYPDS offers four programmes at ACCE ADVANCED CENTRE FOR CLINICAL EXCELLENCE
why choose us
Our vision is to emerge as an INNOVATION INSTITUTE
which the world would cherish and follow.
Operation Theater
Advanced dental chair and equipments. The provision of first aid facilities and services.
Emergency Services
Eminent and highly qualified Medical and teaching staff
Ultramoder preclinical laboratories. A fullyeuipped Dental CAD/CAM Center with training.
Free Dental Treatment
Multispecoality dental clinic with free dental treatment to all patients